Friday, January 6, 2012

Let the games begin

School is back in full swing! I can't believe how fast Christmas break came and went. It was so much fun and so hard to get back into the grind. I am excited to start a new year with new goals/dreams. Here are some of my resolutions:

  • Be a better wife/friend/sister/student/daughter/aunt/etc.
  • Make time for the little things in life
  • keep my clothes off the floor
  • Finish cleaning a patient during 1 clinic session
  • Get a 4.0 this semester
  • Go on a trip to somewhere sunny and warm
  • Go hunting with Heath

I know, some are cheesy but I honestly love the beginnings of the New Year. I am excited to the things that this year will bring us.

Clnic started on Wednesday and we learned how to use ultrasonics. I wish I would've practiced instrumentation over the break because I felt rusty. I was excited about learning how to use these because I have seen them used so many times and it just looked so easy... it wasn't at all! It was so hard and I found myself getting so frustrated. We start seeing patients 2 x's a week this semester so we have the stress of not only having a heavy class schedule, but also the stress of finding patients. I am excited, nervous, scared and anxious all at once. Bring on this semester!

1 comment:

  1. First Off... I LOVE YOU!
    and miss you! It sounds like you are just loving fun! My favorite resolutions on the list are: keep clothes off the floor! ha. That should be mine as well. Ryan would be quite impressed if I conquered that one.
    My other fav is go somewhere sunny. We're in sunny warm CA. Went to the beach last Friday and it was perfect. Just saying. We have an aero bed and all for the Lewis Love birds. Come and visit us any time. ha. writing this makes me realize I need to call you...we need to catch up :)
    I'll call you soon.
