Sunday, January 11, 2015

Week Twenty Nine

how many weeks: 29 weeks

how big is baby X2: Baby A: Around 3 pounds Baby B: Around 3 pounds. We didn't get exact measurements this week.

weight gain: around 43 lbs .... A lot!  It's all for the babies.

sleep: Okay this week.  A lot of weird/scary dreams about delivery + some insomnia.

craving:  Nothing pops into my head that I've been craving this week.  My insides are so squished I feel like I eat the smallest amount of something and I'm stuffed.  Smaller meals do the trick though!

feeling: Pretty good.  Getting antsy for Friday.

Appointments this week:  We saw the specialist and our OB both on the same day this week.  I got the clear from the Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor that I didn't need to be admitted to the hospital for one more week if I got the okay from my OB.  Fluids around each baby looked great, we even got the cutest profile picture of I think Baby B?! :)  It's so hard keeping them straight.  Off to the OB I went next, Dr. Ball said that he would call and talk to the OB and tell him what was going on.  (This is the first time I had seen my OB since being diagnosed with Vasa Previa).  Dr. Davis laid it all out for us and basically said the babies have about the size of a can of pop of blood and if that vessel ruptures by contractions/ cervix dilating/ water breaking it can go from dangerous to fatal fast.  HE said how important it is that I be at the hospital with a wrist band, IV, gown, etc in case we need to get these babies out ASAP.  He said he wanted to do a cervical exam and check everything out that way and that would determine if my hospital stay would start that very day or if I had another week.  After the exam its clear my cervix is considered short and soft.  Not the two things you want to hear.  He said he didn't know if he felt totally comfortable sending me home, but that next week for sure they call it quits and I am no longer seen as an outpatient.  I was relieved!!! Heath and I celebrated having one more week at home by going to dinner at Maddox.

gender: Sweet baby boys

best moment of the week: A few great moments this week:  1- Babies have been moving like crazy this week!  One of them had hiccups and I loved feeling that! 2- Saturday my mom came over and cleaned/scrubbed my entire house top to bottom.  It was so thoughtful and much needed.  We had our last lunch date for awhile after.  3- I had a family shower on Saturday and got spoiled.  4- heaths work had a shower and gave us piggy banks full of money.  It was so sweet.  He works with such great people! 5- NOT HAVING TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL!!!

worst moment of the week:  No worsts this week.  Its been a G O O D week.

looking forward to:  Getting though this last work week.  Trying to enjoy it while it lasts though.  Friday I will get to be checked in to my new home for the next few weeks.  I can't believe its almost time to meet our baby boys!  I am getting so excited to see them!

random thoughts:

-Three more days of work

-Last days at home, next time I come home I will be a mommy of TWO.

Until next week.....

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