Monday, January 7, 2013

A goal not written is simply a wish


So, as a part of my New Year's resolution I am going to blog about my goals and progress so that I can keep on the track that I want to pursue.
  1. I am going to start by cutting out sugar from my diet and have 1 cheat day a week that I can eat a sweet treat. 
  2. I am going to be more active and exercise 5x's a week for 1 hour each time.
  3. I am cutting down my diet coke binges to 3 cans a week.

Thats a good start for now....

Today started at 5:45 a.m. with a weightlifting class that kicked my butt.  It was hard to get out of bed so early, but I felt great when I got home from school at 4:30p.m. and didn't have to worry about hitting the gym.  I have eaten pretty well today, but something sweet does sound good!  Maybe I will grab a piece of fruit to curb my craving.  WiSh Me LuCK! 

AnYone else trying to be healthier in 2013?