Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Great Learning Day... I suppose.

I am getting tired of school and clinic. I had a really hard classification patient that I saw today and it was extremely hard! She was the sweetest lady and I must really wear my heart on my sleeve because even my patient asked if I was okay? hahaha the funny thing is that everyone can always tell when something is wrong with me. I need to work on that and not let my stress/frustration show. I used the swivel ultrasonic tip today since my patient had quite a bit of calculus, but I didn't like it that much. I alternated to the slimline and just increased the power a little bit which was a lot better. I only did one quad, which was fine and I wanted to just take my time and not feel SUPER rushed like I have been feeling lately. I passed off my last PE.. WAHOO and only have 1 more sealant to meet all of my requirements for the semester. I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders and only
2 1/2 weeks till summer!

cannot even wait! I learned today that I need to increase my lateral pressure during my working stroke. I am not as aggressive as I need to be. I will be working on this!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What a good Wednesday!!

Today I did sealants and saw my class 3 patient. I passed off 2 PE's and only have 1 more PE left for the semester! I can't wait to have those out of the way. Today was a good learning day. Sealants were fine because I have done them so much when I was a Dental Assistant. My class 3 was pretty easy going too, she was so nice and patient and just darling. I loved her! My probe depths were off in a couple places and I was frustrated about that. Good thing I have a whole year left to practice right?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Back to life, back to R.E.A.L.I.T.Y

Wow, today was rough! First day back from spring break. I felt like a rusty tool out of the shed. I was so out of my element. I was gone for one week, can you imagine what the summer will do to me? .... Yikes!
I struggled today. I don't exactly know what it was, but I just hated today. I got so use to not having any stress hanging over my head and then I come back today and have all of the stress about tests, **(one tomorrow I haven't even began studying for)** meeting requirements, (only 7 more clinic days left) and rushing around to get everything accomplished that I need to get done!

Will I ever be good at this teeth cleaning thing?!?!

I have asked myself this question a lot today. I just am stressed lately about getting like one on one time with an actual instructor. Yeah, they come over and check all of our work, but I wish that they would actually watch our form and our technique. I feel like I am all over the place and just have to hurry so fast to get finished! I think I am going to go meet with one of the instructors for some instrumentation 101.

Anyway, kinda feeling bummed out today... hope this feeling doesn't last...

Happy Monday!