Monday, October 29, 2012

PE's and Class III

I feel like I got a lot accomplished at clinic this week!  I was able to see my Class III back for the 2nd appointment to complete her treatment.  I started getting nervous when it was 1:00 and still no sign of her... luckily she still came!  I finished her and didn't miss any spots and then I got to do a sealant and pass off the diagnodent and air powder polisher PE's on Candice's cute brother.  He was a trooper to let us do so much on him.  I liked using the diagnodent and really helped when it came time to do sealants because 2 of the teeth we wanted to seal had high numbers on the diagnodent which meant decay, so we didn't end up sealing them.  Overall, it was a good productive day!

1 comment:

  1. No missed spots on a class III, April my dear, you are amazing :) It's been so much fun getting to know you in our pod this semester! Keep up the good work and you'll be an RDH in no time!
